[ Tyler Hicks ]
* debian/patches/0059-dbus-rules-for-dbus-abstractions.patch: Add an
abstraction for the accessibility bus. It is currently very permissive,
like the dbus and dbus-session abstractions, and grants all permissions on
the accessibility bus. (LP: #1226141)
* debian/patches/0071-lp1226356.patch: Fix issues in parsing D-Bus and mount
rules. Both rule classes suffered from unexpected auditing behavior when
using the 'deny' and 'audit deny' rule modifiers. The 'deny' modifier
resulting in accesses being audited and the 'audit deny' modifier
resulting in accesses not being audited. (LP: #1226356)
* debian/patches/0072-lp1229393.patch: Fix cache location for .features
file, which was not being written to the proper location if the parameter
--cache-loc= is passed to apparmor_parser. This bug resulted in using the
.features file from /etc/apparmor.d/cache or always recompiling policy.
Patch thanks to John Johansen. (LP: #1229393)
* debian/patches/0073-lp1208988.patch: Update AppArmor file rules of UNIX
domain sockets to include read and write permissions. Both permissions are
required when a process connects to a UNIX domain socket. Also include new
tests for mediation of UNIX domain sockets. Thanks to Jamie Strandboge for
helping with the policy updates and testing. (LP: #1208988)
* debian/patches/0075-lp1211380.patch: Adjust the audio abstraction to only
grant access to specific pulseaudio files in the pulse runtime directory
to remove access to potentially dangerous files (LP: #1211380)
[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* debian/patches/0074-lp1228882.patch: typo in ubuntu-browsers.d/multimedia
(LP: #1228882)
* 0076_sanitized_helper_dbus_access.patch: allow applications run under
sanitized_helper to connect to DBus
-- Tyler Hicks <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:29:52 -0700
This bug was fixed in the package apparmor - 2.8.0-0ubuntu30
apparmor (2.8.0-0ubuntu30) saucy; urgency=low
[ Tyler Hicks ] patches/ 0059-dbus- rules-for- dbus-abstractio ns.patch: Add an patches/ 0071-lp1226356. patch: Fix issues in parsing D-Bus and mount patches/ 0072-lp1229393. patch: Fix cache location for .features d/cache or always recompiling policy. patches/ 0073-lp1208988. patch: Update AppArmor file rules of UNIX patches/ 0075-lp1211380. patch: Adjust the audio abstraction to only
* debian/
abstraction for the accessibility bus. It is currently very permissive,
like the dbus and dbus-session abstractions, and grants all permissions on
the accessibility bus. (LP: #1226141)
* debian/
rules. Both rule classes suffered from unexpected auditing behavior when
using the 'deny' and 'audit deny' rule modifiers. The 'deny' modifier
resulting in accesses being audited and the 'audit deny' modifier
resulting in accesses not being audited. (LP: #1226356)
* debian/
file, which was not being written to the proper location if the parameter
--cache-loc= is passed to apparmor_parser. This bug resulted in using the
.features file from /etc/apparmor.
Patch thanks to John Johansen. (LP: #1229393)
* debian/
domain sockets to include read and write permissions. Both permissions are
required when a process connects to a UNIX domain socket. Also include new
tests for mediation of UNIX domain sockets. Thanks to Jamie Strandboge for
helping with the policy updates and testing. (LP: #1208988)
* debian/
grant access to specific pulseaudio files in the pulse runtime directory
to remove access to potentially dangerous files (LP: #1211380)
[ Jamie Strandboge ] patches/ 0074-lp1228882. patch: typo in ubuntu- browsers. d/multimedia helper_ dbus_access. patch: allow applications run under helper to connect to DBus
* debian/
(LP: #1228882)
* 0076_sanitized_
-- Tyler Hicks <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:29:52 -0700