Sorry, there's a mistake in the above instruction.
For the /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-front-mic.conf file, instead add these lines:
[Element Mic Source]
enumeration = select
[Option Mic Source:Front Panel]
name = analog-input-microphone-front
required-any = any
(Notice how "Front Mic" should say "Front panel" instead.)
Sorry, there's a mistake in the above instruction. pulseaudio/ alsa-mixer/ paths/analog- input-front- mic.conf file, instead add these lines:
For the /usr/share/
[Element Mic Source]
enumeration = select
[Option Mic Source:Front Panel] input-microphon e-front
name = analog-
required-any = any
(Notice how "Front Mic" should say "Front panel" instead.)