We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
postgresql, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/p/postgresql/libecpg-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/libecpg4_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/libpgtcl-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/libpgtcl_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/libpq3_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql-client_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql-contrib_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql-doc_7.4.6-3_all.deb
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql_7.4.6-3.diff.gz
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql_7.4.6-3.dsc
to pool/main/p/postgresql/postgresql_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to <email address hidden>,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Martin Pitt <email address hidden> (supplier of updated postgresql package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing <email address hidden>)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:38:59 +0100
Source: postgresql
Binary: postgresql-client libecpg4 libpgtcl-dev libpq3 postgresql-doc libecpg-dev postgresql-dev postgresql libpgtcl postgresql-contrib
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 7.4.6-3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick <email address hidden>
Changed-By: Martin Pitt <email address hidden>
libecpg-dev - development files for ECPG (Embedded PostgreSQL for C)
libecpg4 - run-time library for ECPG programs
libpgtcl - Tcl procedural language, library and front-end for PostgreSQL
libpgtcl-dev - Tcl library for PostgreSQL - development files
libpq3 - PostgreSQL C client library
postgresql - object-relational SQL database management system
postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL
postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-dev - development files for libpq (PostgreSQL library)
postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
Closes: 147823 149057 149789 254058 257117 263503 265307 271277 273891 277725 278952 280423
postgresql (7.4.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
* postinst: do not assume that /var/lib/postgres exists in chown -R command;
it was redundant anyway since it already processed ${PGHOME}.
Closes: #278952
* patch 26dbf2pg-errorcheck: improved error checking for dbf2pg. Thanks to
Brad Thompson <email address hidden>. Closes: #147823
* patch 27dbf2pg-textfield: add dbf2pg support for dbase field 'M',
corresponding to PostgreSQL's TEXT field. Thanks to Brad Thompson
<email address hidden>. Closes: #149789.
* Fixed typo in postgresql-contrib package description. Closes: #271277
* Updated patch 24autovacuum: check if env variable PGDATA is set before
actually using it to avoid a SEGFAULT if it is not defined. Thanks to
Ulrich Dangel for spotting this. Closes: #273891
* split patch 25contrib into separate parts: -dbmirror, -enablemysql,
* patch 25contrib-enableoracle: install the Oracle conversion scripts.
Closes: #265307
* Updated debian/copyright.
* postgresql-dev: dropped dependency on libkrb5-dev to Recommends, since the
dependency caused build conflicts in cyrus-sasl2 (#279158)
* enable_lang.in: check for accessibility only for user 'postgres', not for
'all'. Closes: #277725
* moved some code from postgresql.init to postgresql-startup to simplify
writing of Mandatory Access Control rules. Closes: #149057
* do not set the kernel "file-max" parameter any more, but write a verbose
error message if it is too small; packages should not mess up central
kernel variables, this should be done by the admin in /etc/sysctl.conf.
* postinst.in: do chmod'ing of conffiles as root (before calling initdb) to
avoid permission errors
* Dropped debconf question for default database encoding; this is now
automatically determined from the locale. Locale debconf question now also
explains the impact on encoding. Closes: #254058, #257117
* postgresql.config.in: Fixed a debconf logic flaw: previously, initdb used
the locale of the package installation process, not the one chosen in
debconf. Closes: #263503
* Renamed debian/po/cz.po to cs.po (CZ is the language, cs is the country).
* Modernized package descriptions; Thanks to Peter Eisentraut for providing
them. Closes: #280423
ebe92f22fe4979515eb7318ebbd0a426 973 misc optional postgresql_7.4.6-3.dsc
39f2e270b875d1a4c52c7fdae37ffa70 139858 misc optional postgresql_7.4.6-3.diff.gz
a98eacb7b0f35e4aeb1bef3a65f1ab11 2384344 doc optional postgresql-doc_7.4.6-3_all.deb
9a2ec13e29a5675b7f4afa7c5d0d1754 3724208 misc optional postgresql_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
ccf8435c9f4da157db8b0fed5f5b0405 488716 misc optional postgresql-client_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
09ee5089f1cefffe32da1248f67db382 506374 libdevel optional postgresql-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
0181a7b750aabf4dda87cf682358206c 110196 libs optional libpq3_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
1aa1b70075135e38bc732422ddf3eb7e 87662 libs optional libecpg4_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
eb72fbc814793597f166df401f1e45fe 196532 libdevel optional libecpg-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
7d9a438a46e35937ec23c8a0690694c7 71736 libs optional libpgtcl_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
9c5e0c7560ab281b90a486f657057b4e 49002 libdevel optional libpgtcl-dev_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
b33fa3cea8966cb8e3d66087e5207aa2 598250 misc optional postgresql-contrib_7.4.6-3_i386.deb
Source: postgresql
Source-Version: 7.4.6-3
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
postgresql, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
libecpg- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb p/postgresql/ libecpg- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ libecpg4_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb p/postgresql/ libpgtcl- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ libpgtcl_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ libpq3_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb client_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ postgresql- client_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb contrib_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ postgresql- contrib_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb p/postgresql/ postgresql- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb doc_7.4. 6-3_all. deb p/postgresql/ postgresql- doc_7.4. 6-3_all. deb 7.4.6-3. diff.gz p/postgresql/ postgresql_ 7.4.6-3. diff.gz 7.4.6-3. dsc p/postgresql/ postgresql_ 7.4.6-3. dsc 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb p/postgresql/ postgresql_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
to pool/main/
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to <email address hidden>,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Martin Pitt <email address hidden> (supplier of updated postgresql package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing <email address hidden>)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7 errorcheck: improved error checking for dbf2pg. Thanks to enableoracle: install the Oracle conversion scripts. config. in: Fixed a debconf logic flaw: previously, initdb used 515eb7318ebbd0a 426 973 misc optional postgresql_ 7.4.6-3. dsc a4c52c7fdae37ff a70 139858 misc optional postgresql_ 7.4.6-3. diff.gz 4aeb1bef3a65f1a b11 2384344 doc optional postgresql- doc_7.4. 6-3_all. deb 5b7f4afa7c5d0d1 754 3724208 misc optional postgresql_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb 57db8b0fed5f5b0 405 488716 misc optional postgresql- client_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb fe32da1248f67db 382 506374 libdevel optional postgresql- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb 4dda87cf6823582 06c 110196 libs optional libpq3_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb 38bc732422ddf3e b7e 87662 libs optional libecpg4_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb 97f166df401f1e4 5fe 196532 libdevel optional libecpg- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb 37ec23c8a069069 4c7 71736 libs optional libpgtcl_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb 1b90a486f657057 b4e 49002 libdevel optional libpgtcl- dev_7.4. 6-3_i386. deb b8e3d66087e5207 aa2 598250 misc optional postgresql- contrib_ 7.4.6-3_ i386.deb
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:38:59 +0100
Source: postgresql
Binary: postgresql-client libecpg4 libpgtcl-dev libpq3 postgresql-doc libecpg-dev postgresql-dev postgresql libpgtcl postgresql-contrib
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 7.4.6-3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick <email address hidden>
Changed-By: Martin Pitt <email address hidden>
libecpg-dev - development files for ECPG (Embedded PostgreSQL for C)
libecpg4 - run-time library for ECPG programs
libpgtcl - Tcl procedural language, library and front-end for PostgreSQL
libpgtcl-dev - Tcl library for PostgreSQL - development files
libpq3 - PostgreSQL C client library
postgresql - object-relational SQL database management system
postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL
postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-dev - development files for libpq (PostgreSQL library)
postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
Closes: 147823 149057 149789 254058 257117 263503 265307 271277 273891 277725 278952 280423
postgresql (7.4.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
* postinst: do not assume that /var/lib/postgres exists in chown -R command;
it was redundant anyway since it already processed ${PGHOME}.
Closes: #278952
* patch 26dbf2pg-
Brad Thompson <email address hidden>. Closes: #147823
* patch 27dbf2pg-textfield: add dbf2pg support for dbase field 'M',
corresponding to PostgreSQL's TEXT field. Thanks to Brad Thompson
<email address hidden>. Closes: #149789.
* Fixed typo in postgresql-contrib package description. Closes: #271277
* Updated patch 24autovacuum: check if env variable PGDATA is set before
actually using it to avoid a SEGFAULT if it is not defined. Thanks to
Ulrich Dangel for spotting this. Closes: #273891
* split patch 25contrib into separate parts: -dbmirror, -enablemysql,
* patch 25contrib-
Closes: #265307
* Updated debian/copyright.
* postgresql-dev: dropped dependency on libkrb5-dev to Recommends, since the
dependency caused build conflicts in cyrus-sasl2 (#279158)
* enable_lang.in: check for accessibility only for user 'postgres', not for
'all'. Closes: #277725
* moved some code from postgresql.init to postgresql-startup to simplify
writing of Mandatory Access Control rules. Closes: #149057
* do not set the kernel "file-max" parameter any more, but write a verbose
error message if it is too small; packages should not mess up central
kernel variables, this should be done by the admin in /etc/sysctl.conf.
* postinst.in: do chmod'ing of conffiles as root (before calling initdb) to
avoid permission errors
* Dropped debconf question for default database encoding; this is now
automatically determined from the locale. Locale debconf question now also
explains the impact on encoding. Closes: #254058, #257117
* postgresql.
the locale of the package installation process, not the one chosen in
debconf. Closes: #263503
* Renamed debian/po/cz.po to cs.po (CZ is the language, cs is the country).
* Modernized package descriptions; Thanks to Peter Eisentraut for providing
them. Closes: #280423
nbV4Fd/ IRAvPkAKDp/ EQkrZE/ j9aKHO5Exs19ZhB emgCg5GkE Jtki47mI=
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)