Comment 10 for bug 51149

Revision history for this message
Wolf Canis (wolf-canis) wrote :

I did a support request:

And by this way I came to this bug report.
The fix as here suggest, doesn't work for me, details see at the support request as
described above.
I think I found a other solution but I'm not really sure. Below a description what I

The python script
want to read from stdin, but the shell script /etc/cron.weekly/popularity-contest
gives the python script the parameter -u and -f. This parameter I have ignored, because
the server and filename are hard coded:

ret= post_multipart('', '/popcon-submit.cgi', '' , data)

This should be changed. If I learn enough about python, perhaps I do so. ~:)

I did following changes:

 #if setsid /usr/share/popularity-contest/popcon-upload-ubuntu \
 # -u $URL -f $POPCON 2>/dev/null ; then
 if setsid /usr/share/popularity-contest/popcon-upload-ubuntu \
            < $POPCON 2>/dev/null ; then

Now the python script reads from stdin, so how it expected. The script runs with out any
errors. I don't know whether the data comes correctly at the Ubuntu server or not. Is
there a way to check this?

Thanks in advance,
                                 Mr Canis