Comment 8 for bug 127732

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In , Freedesktop (freedesktop) wrote :

Note that FriBidi converts from logical (input text) order to visual (glyph) order. The problem in poppler is reverse-bidi. That is, going back from the visual order as found in the PDF to the logical text order. Poppler does an ok job at that. It sure can be improved, but fribidi is no magic bullet here. I wrote about this a bit here:

search for reverse-bidi.

An alternative would be to make poppler use fribidi to find the visual order for the search text, then match that against the visual order of extracted text. But that's against the current code and does not yield much immediate benefits.

he only thing that I can think of that can improve poppler's behavior by using fribidi is mirroring characters like brackets when found around RTL text. That's all for now.