Comment 12 for bug 485586

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chillbeast (chillbeast) wrote :

I was having this same issue after installing Lucid last night, I had a CD I had burned a while ago of the Alpha1 install, that could be related as I had previously upgraded from 9.10 and not had this issue.

Same problems were occuring, "Not authorized" to mount usb devices, no sound, couldn't reboot without going to terminal, etc.

Read several posts and found here the info about Policykit being the cause of the problem. Checked my system and policykit had never been installed apparently!

So I know this doesn't really "Fix" the bug/issue as far as making it work automatically for everyone, but if you are in my situation and just want to get mounting working properly, and it's not due to the .svn issue above:

sudo apt-get install policykit policykit-gnome

Reboot and you should be good to go!