* debian/policykit-1.{pre,pos}inst: Temporarily mask polkitd.service while
policykit-1 is unpackaged but not yet configured. During that time we
don't yet have our D-Bus policy in /etc so that polkitd cannot work yet.
This can be dropped once the D-Bus policy moves to /usr.
(Closes: #794723, LP: #1447654)
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Tue, 20 Oct 2015 05:49:49 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package policykit-1 - 0.105-8ubuntu4
policykit-1 (0.105-8ubuntu4) vivid-proposed; urgency=medium
* debian/ policykit- 1.{pre, pos}inst: Temporarily mask polkitd.service while
policykit-1 is unpackaged but not yet configured. During that time we
don't yet have our D-Bus policy in /etc so that polkitd cannot work yet.
This can be dropped once the D-Bus policy moves to /usr.
(Closes: #794723, LP: #1447654)
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Tue, 20 Oct 2015 05:49:49 +0200