David Edmundson, Here is info about graphic card and driver version: http://res.cloudinary.com/metsys/image/upload/v1427053941/kde5/image.png
This is valgrind launch command: localhost% valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --log-file=Plasma_Debug plasmashell and file created https://yadi.sk/d/pIXnTtd6fSbqB and https://yadi.sk/d/BiviLfVWfSbyd
"how did you close valgrind/plasmashell" - what do you mean? It's not clear for me, sorry for question.
All log files was created with default installed applets, if it matter, ok, I remove them and make new one test/log files.
David Edmundson, res.cloudinary. com/metsys/ image/upload/ v1427053941/ kde5/image. png
Here is info about graphic card and driver version:
This is valgrind launch command: resolution= high --log-file= Plasma_ Debug plasmashell and file created https:/ /yadi.sk/ d/pIXnTtd6fSbqB and https:/ /yadi.sk/ d/BiviLfVWfSbyd
localhost% valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --leak-
"how did you close valgrind/ plasmashell" - what do you mean? It's not clear for me, sorry for question.
All log files was created with default installed applets, if it matter, ok, I remove them and make new one test/log files.