Git commit d3c0c394d4673198574ec6c5ab2f668e4a6621da by Nate Graham, on behalf of Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 02/11/2020 at 15:33.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'Plasma/5.20'.
Fix SystemEntries not updating correctly
The code is meant to add the entry if it's valid, then watch for
changes. Somehow we end up only monitoring if it was valid initially.
This doesn't make sense.
This means if the menu loads before the backend we don't update
correctly when it does load.
Related: bug 427779
(cherry picked from commit 7c5f16c40e9bf27d6b1466c220b9eeaf800d4620)
Git commit d3c0c394d467319 8574ec6c5ab2f66 8e4a6621da by Nate Graham, on behalf of Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 02/11/2020 at 15:33.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'Plasma/5.20'.
Fix SystemEntries not updating correctly
The code is meant to add the entry if it's valid, then watch for
changes. Somehow we end up only monitoring if it was valid initially.
This doesn't make sense.
This means if the menu loads before the backend we don't update
correctly when it does load.
Related: bug 427779
(cherry picked from commit 7c5f16c40e9bf27 d6b1466c220b9ee af800d4620)
M +2 -2 applets/ kicker/ plugin/ systemmodel. cpp
https:/ /invent. plasma/ plasma- workspace/ commit/ d3c0c394d467319 8574ec6c5ab2f66 8e4a6621da