The new mangler is in , together with source copies of binutils, systemd, and gcc-4.9.
systemd built fine, and e. g. has the expected -dbgsym packages.
binutils built fine ( and the build log shows that it produced the -dbgsym, but as the package calls pkg_create_dbgsym directly and without -a, they don't end up in the .changes file and thus aren't exported. We need to fix that once we enable the native ddeb support in launchpad.
gcc-4.9 is still building.
The new mangler is in https:/ /launchpad. net/~ubuntu- core-dev/ +archive/ ubuntu/ ddeb-test/ +packages , together with source copies of binutils, systemd, and gcc-4.9.
systemd built fine, and e. g. https:/ /launchpad. net/~ubuntu- core-dev/ +archive/ ubuntu/ ddeb-test/ +build/ 7362655 has the expected -dbgsym packages.
binutils built fine (https:/ /launchpadlibra 204624531/ buildlog_ ubuntu- vivid-amd64. binutils_ 2.25-5ubuntu7_ BUILDING. txt.gz) and the build log shows that it produced the -dbgsym, but as the package calls pkg_create_dbgsym directly and without -a, they don't end up in the .changes file and thus aren't exported. We need to fix that once we enable the native ddeb support in launchpad.
gcc-4.9 is still building.