1. Is this reproducible? -> yes. I use i386 binaries via "jp.archive.ubuntu.com".
2. I always do dist-upgrade with wajig. I can reproduce the bug with extracted php5 command in cached deb files.
---- hash for deb ---
$ sha1sum /var/cache/apt/archives/php5-cli_5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu3_i386.deb
86dfb40d2c31ff9c2763f5f2984550e205a09786 /var/cache/apt/archives/php5-cli_5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu3_i386.deb
Fatal error: Call to undefined function gzopen() in /home/bellbind/experiment/php/ubuntu/sample.php on line 3
$ ./5.2.6/usr/bin/php5 sample.php # work well in my env.
1. Is this reproducible? -> yes. I use i386 binaries via "jp.archive. ubuntu. com".
2. I always do dist-upgrade with wajig. I can reproduce the bug with extracted php5 command in cached deb files.
---- hash for deb --- apt/archives/ php5-cli_ 5.2.10. dfsg.1- 2ubuntu3_ i386.deb c2763f5f2984550 e205a09786 /var/cache/ apt/archives/ php5-cli_ 5.2.10. dfsg.1- 2ubuntu3_ i386.deb
$ sha1sum /var/cache/
---- script --- apt/archives/ php5-cli_ 5.2.6.dfsg. 1-3ubuntu4. 2_i386. deb 5.2.6/ apt/archives/ php5-cli_ 5.2.10. dfsg.1- 2ubuntu3_ i386.deb 5.2.10/ usr/bin/ php5 sample.php
$ emacs sample.php # previous php script
$ mkdir 5.2.6 5.2.10
$ dpkg-deb -x /var/cache/
$ dpkg-deb -x /var/cache/
$ ./5.2.10/
Fatal error: Call to undefined function gzopen() in /home/bellbind/ experiment/ php/ubuntu/ sample. php on line 3 usr/bin/ php5 sample.php # work well in my env.
$ ./5.2.6/