The XInput 2.1 multitouch patch disabled XInput 1.x support, which tablet support depends on. The usage of both XInput versions simultaneously should not be a problem, and a fix to the multitouch patch to allow this appears to work properly for both tablet and multitiouch test cases.
I have requested a merge review of the changes.
I have also uploaded a test version of the package to ppa:utouch-team/unstable with version 4.7.3-1ubuntu4~test1. Once it has built, please test it out to verify it works properly.
The XInput 2.1 multitouch patch disabled XInput 1.x support, which tablet support depends on. The usage of both XInput versions simultaneously should not be a problem, and a fix to the multitouch patch to allow this appears to work properly for both tablet and multitiouch test cases.
I have requested a merge review of the changes.
I have also uploaded a test version of the package to ppa:utouch- team/unstable with version 4.7.3-1ubuntu4~ test1. Once it has built, please test it out to verify it works properly.