Comment 3 for bug 180269

Revision history for this message
jhansonxi (jhansonxi) wrote :

Oh how I long for the days where I could just load up MS-DOS fdisk and partiton a drive and be done with it. Hardy was not an improvement over Gutsy. I deleted all partitions, created new type FD RAID partions (of different sizes) and dove into the RAID sub-menu. It was screwed up right at the start. sda and sdb were already defined (md0) and the module wanted sdc1 and sdd1 to start at md4. So just where exactly was md1-3? So I stuck with the suggested device names and pressed on. I set the md's to ext3 or LVM as needed and tried to enter the LVM config module. It said it couldn't load md5. So I kept going. Then when I tried to create volume group vg0 it said it already existed. So I went back to the main partition editing screen and verified that md was syncing as usual. Further attempts to enter LVM would only abort. So here we are.