1. it does not support my German keyboard, all 3-key characters (Alt+Shift+Key) are missing like {[]}\~|€µ. My guess is that this is a really 'hot' port from Mac and all/most non-US keyboards are not supported.
2. BIOS emulation does not provide a clock signal (RTC), so older legacy OS's do not update system time which results in incorrect time stamps, ping-delays of 0 sec, ...
> I recommend the upgrade.
For me v4.0 is unacceptable:
1. it does not support my German keyboard, all 3-key characters (Alt+Shift+Key) are missing like {[]}\~|€µ. My guess is that this is a really 'hot' port from Mac and all/most non-US keyboards are not supported.
2. BIOS emulation does not provide a clock signal (RTC), so older legacy OS's do not update system time which results in incorrect time stamps, ping-delays of 0 sec, ...
see also here: http:// forum.parallels .com/forumdispl ay.php? f=506
So I'll have to stay with 2.2.
Moreover most of the v4.0 is still 32-bit and needs a lot of compatibility libraries on 64-bit Ubuntu.