I'm using local authentication.
This problem happens daily.
Later I'll try to find in which case it starts happening. When the problem starts I think only a reboot solve it (I'll check later if a logoff/logon is a workaround or not).
Glibc version is 2.9.3
$ rpm -q glibc
I don't think that will affect the text console (I'll get back to you with other details if available).
Please tell me what else can I do to help you in this case. Again, thanks a lot for the feedback.
Hi Vincent, hi Tomas,
Thanks for the quick feedback. Here's the data requested:
$ cat /etc/pam. d/system- auth 8,8,8,8 passphrase=0 enforce=users
auth required pam_shells.so
auth required pam_unix.so likeauth nullok try_first_pass
auth optional pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap
auth required pam_nologin.so
account required pam_unix.so
password optional pam_ecryptfs.so
password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,
password sufficient pam_unix.so remember=8 nullok use_authtok md5 shadow
password required pam_deny.so
session required pam_limits.so
session required pam_unix.so
password optional pam_ecryptfs.so unwrap
session optional pam_console.so
[snap@thoth ~]$
I'm using local authentication.
This problem happens daily.
Later I'll try to find in which case it starts happening. When the problem starts I think only a reboot solve it (I'll check later if a logoff/logon is a workaround or not).
Glibc version is 2.9.3
$ rpm -q glibc
I don't think that will affect the text console (I'll get back to you with other details if available).
Please tell me what else can I do to help you in this case. Again, thanks a lot for the feedback.