I have Ubuntu Studio installed, grub shows Ubuntu as it's menu item Thats ok because that is the only ubuntu on the drive. Older versions on different partitions show up as the version number.
Now I install xubuntu. Grub now shows Ubuntu, Ubuntu and older versions. Which ubuntu is studio and which is xubuntu? Now I install lubuntu... These are all 13.10 dailties BTW, and grub shows three selections that are the same. no partitions numbers, No way to differentiat three partitions. I know that the top one in Lubuntu because I installed that last.... until I am working in xubuntu (should I be able to find it on the grub menu... probably by chance) and the kernel is updated... now xubuntu is the top selection in grub. However, the user may not even know that the kernel was replaced as the software updater by default does not display what is being updated and kernel updates are not the only changes that ask for reboot. The user now has no idea what grub selection is what.
Further investigation reveals that there is really no indication of what flavour this is. now I understand a user may install the desktop meta from another flavour and have more than one kind of DE or a multi-flavour install, but I would think the flavour of the original ISO install would make sense.
Perhaps in /etc/os-release the version instead of being "13.10, Saucy Salamander" could be "flavour 13.10, Saucy Salamander" on the iso install.
In any case the script that generates the grub menu should make sure all entries are unique. It should add a partition number if nothing else.
I have Ubuntu Studio installed, grub shows Ubuntu as it's menu item Thats ok because that is the only ubuntu on the drive. Older versions on different partitions show up as the version number.
Now I install xubuntu. Grub now shows Ubuntu, Ubuntu and older versions. Which ubuntu is studio and which is xubuntu? Now I install lubuntu... These are all 13.10 dailties BTW, and grub shows three selections that are the same. no partitions numbers, No way to differentiat three partitions. I know that the top one in Lubuntu because I installed that last.... until I am working in xubuntu (should I be able to find it on the grub menu... probably by chance) and the kernel is updated... now xubuntu is the top selection in grub. However, the user may not even know that the kernel was replaced as the software updater by default does not display what is being updated and kernel updates are not the only changes that ask for reboot. The user now has no idea what grub selection is what.
Further investigation reveals that there is really no indication of what flavour this is. now I understand a user may install the desktop meta from another flavour and have more than one kind of DE or a multi-flavour install, but I would think the flavour of the original ISO install would make sense.
Perhaps in /etc/os-release the version instead of being "13.10, Saucy Salamander" could be "flavour 13.10, Saucy Salamander" on the iso install.
In any case the script that generates the grub menu should make sure all entries are unique. It should add a partition number if nothing else.