I also agree, with openSSL 1.1.0 is a bug when using RSA_PSS signed CA´s in Apaache to check Client Auth. see http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-users/201809.mbox/%3cOFC4116D92.B8C3F520-ONC1258313.002D0EB2-C1258313.002D4B68@LocalDomain%3e
I also agree, with openSSL 1.1.0 is a bug when using RSA_PSS signed CA´s in Apaache to check Client Auth. see http:// mail-archives. apache. org/mod_ mbox/httpd- users/201809. mbox/%3cOFC4116 D92.B8C3F520- ONC1258313. 002D0EB2- C1258313. 002D4B68@ LocalDomain% 3e