I've done some replacing for the Standard toolbar in OpenOffice. Not nearly as much as I had hoped, but my university workload was heavy this year. Anyhow, Chris says that the changes will be ready for the next Beta.
Currently, the best way forward is to continue modifying the human+tango branch. In the future, we should only have a Humanity branch and a Tango branch. No Human, and no Human+Tango.
I've done some replacing for the Standard toolbar in OpenOffice. Not nearly as much as I had hoped, but my university workload was heavy this year. Anyhow, Chris says that the changes will be ready for the next Beta.
Currently, the best way forward is to continue modifying the human+tango branch. In the future, we should only have a Humanity branch and a Tango branch. No Human, and no Human+Tango.