* apparmor-profile workaround for Launchpad #202161
* follow ApparmorProfileMigration and force apparmor complain mode on some
upgrades (LP: #203529)
- debian/control: Recommends apparmor >= 2.1+1075-0ubuntu6
- debian/slapd.dirs: add etc/apparmor.d/force-complain
- debian/slapd.preinst: create symlink for force-complain/ on pre-feisty
upgrades, upgrades where apparmor-profiles profile is unchanged (ie
non-enforcing) and upgrades where apparmor profile does not exist
- debian/slapd.postrm: remove symlink in force-complain/ on purge
* debian/rules, debian/slapd.links: use hard links to slapd instead of
symlinks for slap* so these applications aren't confined by apparmor
(LP: #203898)
This bug was fixed in the package openldap2.3 - 2.4.7-6ubuntu2
openldap2.3 (2.4.7-6ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
* apparmor-profile workaround for Launchpad #202161 Migration and force apparmor complain mode on some d/force- complain slapd.preinst: create symlink for force-complain/ on pre-feisty enforcing) and upgrades where apparmor profile does not exist slapd.postrm: remove symlink in force-complain/ on purge
* follow ApparmorProfile
upgrades (LP: #203529)
- debian/control: Recommends apparmor >= 2.1+1075-0ubuntu6
- debian/slapd.dirs: add etc/apparmor.
- debian/
upgrades, upgrades where apparmor-profiles profile is unchanged (ie
- debian/
* debian/rules, debian/slapd.links: use hard links to slapd instead of
symlinks for slap* so these applications aren't confined by apparmor
(LP: #203898)
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:53:23 -0400