The reporter's case is fixed in quantal and later by this change:
and Mark Powell's case, if I've understood it correctly, is fixed in natty and later by this change:
Therefore, setting this bug to Fix Released; Peder and I are discussing his case in bug 1362481.
The reporter's case is fixed in quantal and later by this change:
http:// anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-openldap/ openldap. git/commit/ debian/ slapd.scripts- common? id=c8d1f619c8e1 51704508b671a7c 801d9863e183e
and Mark Powell's case, if I've understood it correctly, is fixed in natty and later by this change:
http:// anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-openldap/ openldap. git/commit/ debian/ slapd.scripts- common? id=ce2e21b144df c7703aec25a4cf6 bce2a4c8f2d78
Therefore, setting this bug to Fix Released; Peder and I are discussing his case in bug 1362481.