Comment 61 for bug 937200

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Ryan Tandy (rtandy) wrote :

Making some progress on this. I think the bug is present whether or not fonts-unfonts-core is installed, just the behaviour is different. I'm working on trusty right now and source code references are from openjdk-7-source 7u45-2.4.3-4ubuntu2.

Output of the attached testcase when fonts-unfonts-core is not installed:

Font family: Ubuntu plain=** TrueType Font: Family=Ubuntu Name=Ubuntu style=0 fileName=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-R.ttf bold=null italic=null bolditalic=** TrueType Font: Family=Ubuntu Name=Ubuntu Bold Italic style=3 fileName=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-BI.ttf

and when fonts-unfonts-core is installed:

Font family: Ubuntu plain=null bold=** TrueType Font: Family=Ubuntu Name=Ubuntu Bold style=1 fileName=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-B.ttf italic=** TrueType Font: Family=Ubuntu Name=Ubuntu Italic style=2 fileName=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-RI.ttf bolditalic=** TrueType Font: Family=Ubuntu Name=Ubuntu Bold Italic style=3 fileName=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-BI.ttf

We should be seeing all four styles present in either case, because ttf-ubuntu-font-family does provide all of them. The code that returns the bold style as a fallback when plain is null is at

What I'm seeing is that some but not all styles of the Ubuntu family are registered earlier with rank 2. The missing styles are seen later at rank 3, but rejected ( (There might be more than one bug here... is it just me or is the test on that line backwards?) I haven't figured out yet why some styles are seen at different times.

I will keep digging :) but the time I can spend on this is limited... any help is more than welcome!