Comment 38 for bug 432677

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Mark Jeronimus (mark-jeronimus) wrote :

IntelliJ IDEA *always* runs on Jetbrains JDK. It's made to run it's own bundled JDK. The JDK can be overridden but it screws with font rendering (purple edges) and possibly other things.

The application under debug, however, should *not* run on de Jetbrains JDK. While possible, the Jetbrains themselves discourages it. In project settings you look at the list of installed SDKs and see if the project uses OpenJDK or not. This is the case in my case.

It seems indeed that OpenJDK-11.0.4 which I run is affected buy this "fixed in JDK 7" bug 6714678 you linked. They talk about adding a VM argument `-Dsun.awt.disablegrab=true` and this indeeds prevents Xorg from freezing.

Simple steps to reproduce (I hope):

- sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
- Download IntelliJ IDEA Community edition, Extract somewhere, run
- Create new project (all settings default)
- File > Project Structure... > SDKs > Check for or add OpenJDK
- Put in the src directory
- Remove the line `package xlock;` which is now an error
- Click next to line number 24 to toggle a breakpoint there
- Debug (green cocroach button)