Comment 8 for bug 398280

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unmacaque (unmacaque) wrote :

Getting the same error as #5 when resizing, not just with NetBeans but with several swing apps, i.e. TV-Browser, JDownloader, ArgoUML and some swing apps written by myself. However, when I tried the resizing on Geogebra it did not crash. This helped me (hopefully) pinpointing the problem.

All of the crashing applications allow you to set the look and feel to GTK l&f or have this as the default and only option. Geogebra, which does not crash, uses the default ocean l&f. So I configured JDownloader of them to use a different l&f and in fact, the crashes did stop. To workaroung the error, you can either avoid using GTK look, recompile the app and remove the code affecting the look and feel or use the Java distribution from Sun.

Also, this problem is not limited to resizing a window. I tried to create an app that can demonstrate this error but unfortunately the l&f is not the only factor responsible for the problem. Once I find the exact source, I will post the code here.

I hope this can help you guys to fix this problem. I have had this error for months now but I blamed the application for it.