Comment 4 for bug 1362099

Revision history for this message
billhuey (bill-huey) wrote :

This white space damaged patch should fix the problem but installing the meta-package instead

=== modified file 'rules'
--- rules 2014-10-21 15:44:03 +0000
+++ rules 2014-10-22 13:54:12 +0000
@@ -894,11 +894,11 @@

-ifneq (,$(filter $(distrel),etch))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrel),etch precise))
   core_fonts = ttf-dejavu
 else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrel),lenny hardy intrepid jaunty karmic))
   core_fonts = ttf-dejavu-core
-else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrel),squeeze wheezy lucid maverick natty oneiric precise quantal raring))
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrel),squeeze wheezy lucid maverick natty oneiric quantal raring))
   core_fonts = ttf-dejavu-extra
   core_fonts = fonts-dejavu-extra