@anupam thats an interesting theory, I got a log of when the power button is pressed and it goes from paused to stopped almost instantly, whereas your logs generally show a delay and stopped is only issued once the call is answered.
@jim I still thinks its a thread issue in media hub, I can't get by the fact that its logging engine playing uri multiple times on each incoming call and logging paused multiple times. Perhaps thats benign but unclear to me why the same code is executed more than once "sometimes".
@anupam thats an interesting theory, I got a log of when the power button is pressed and it goes from paused to stopped almost instantly, whereas your logs generally show a delay and stopped is only issued once the call is answered.
@jim I still thinks its a thread issue in media hub, I can't get by the fact that its logging engine playing uri multiple times on each incoming call and logging paused multiple times. Perhaps thats benign but unclear to me why the same code is executed more than once "sometimes".