1. call SUT but do not pickup
2. leave a voice mail
Expected results:
missed call message shows up on phone.
Actual results:
129 message shows up on phone as a text message 2 times. 1 time with just the 129 number the other time with 129 as the number and this text:
VVM:SYNC:ev=NM;jd=94;c=4;t=v;s=16033036968;dt=11/02/2013 19:34 -0500;l=4
Additional info:
I am using t-mobile in the USA to call the SUT which is also using a t-mobile sim
maguro on phablet build #78
1. call SUT but do not pickup
2. leave a voice mail
Expected results:
missed call message shows up on phone.
Actual results: ev=NM;jd= 94;c=4; t=v;s=160330369 68;dt=11/ 02/2013 19:34 -0500;l=4
129 message shows up on phone as a text message 2 times. 1 time with just the 129 number the other time with 129 as the number and this text:
Additional info:
I am using t-mobile in the USA to call the SUT which is also using a t-mobile sim