I have the same issues on my ZBook 15 with nvidia-prime 0.6.
After modifying ubuntu-drivers-common/share/hybrid/gpu-manager.c on line 1225 to
// " Option \"UseDisplayDevice\" \"none\"\n"
I was able to get an output on DVI, VGA and the internal display, but the system was very unstable (crashing after 1-2 minutes).
I have the same issues on my ZBook 15 with nvidia-prime 0.6. drivers- common/ share/hybrid/ gpu-manager. c on line 1225 to ice\" \"none\"\n"
After modifying ubuntu-
// " Option \"UseDisplayDev
I was able to get an output on DVI, VGA and the internal display, but the system was very unstable (crashing after 1-2 minutes).