* New upstream release:
- Added support for the following GPUs:
o GeForce GTX 680
o GeForce GT 630M
o GeForce GT 620
- Fixed a VDPAU bug where decoding some H.264 streams
would cause hardware errors on lower-end products,
resulting in corruption and poor performance.
- Fixed a bug that caused DisplayPort audio to stop
working after monitors are hotplugged on GeForce GT
- Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
- Fixed a behavior change that prevented
ConnectedMonitor from being usable with DisplayPort
- Marked the GVO Clone mode NV-CONTROL attributes:
as deprecated. They will be removed in a future
release. To display an X screen over GVO, it is
recommended to use GVO with MetaModes, instead.
- Fixed a bug that caused DisplayPort devices to not
be listed in Xorg.*.log.
- Added support for 3D Vision ready displays that
have a NVIDIA 3D Vision infrared emitter built
inside the panel itself.
- Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL applications to
crash with some libc versions, such as eglibc 2.15
(LP: #929384).
- Fixed a bug that caused HDMI audio to stop working
on AppleTV devices when an X server was started.
* debian/nvidia-$flavour.postrm{.in}:
- Make sure to remove the blacklist for hybrid
graphics and to rebuild the initramfs (LP: #958848).
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Mar 2012 10:06:36 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package nvidia- graphics- drivers - 295.33-0ubuntu1
--------------- graphics- drivers (295.33-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
* New upstream release: Monitor from being usable with DisplayPort CTRL_GVO_ DISPLAY_ X_SCREEN CTRL_GVO_ X_SCREEN_ PAN_X CTRL_GVO_ X_SCREEN_ PAN_Y nvidia- $flavour. postrm{ .in}:
- Added support for the following GPUs:
o GeForce GTX 680
o GeForce GT 630M
o GeForce GT 620
- Fixed a VDPAU bug where decoding some H.264 streams
would cause hardware errors on lower-end products,
resulting in corruption and poor performance.
- Fixed a bug that caused DisplayPort audio to stop
working after monitors are hotplugged on GeForce GT
- Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
- Fixed a behavior change that prevented
- Marked the GVO Clone mode NV-CONTROL attributes:
as deprecated. They will be removed in a future
release. To display an X screen over GVO, it is
recommended to use GVO with MetaModes, instead.
- Fixed a bug that caused DisplayPort devices to not
be listed in Xorg.*.log.
- Added support for 3D Vision ready displays that
have a NVIDIA 3D Vision infrared emitter built
inside the panel itself.
- Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL applications to
crash with some libc versions, such as eglibc 2.15
(LP: #929384).
- Fixed a bug that caused HDMI audio to stop working
on AppleTV devices when an X server was started.
* debian/
- Make sure to remove the blacklist for hybrid
graphics and to rebuild the initramfs (LP: #958848).
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Mar 2012 10:06:36 +0200