i've seen a number of people recommend installing the latest drivers from ppa:philip5/extra, but i'd like to caution wary users (and eager newbie users) against doing so by adding the PPA to their apt sources. doing so may cause a subsequent system-wide upgrade to upgrade more packages than you bargained for. then, if you later remove the PPA from your apt sources, apt will not revert those packages to the corresponding ones from the Ubuntu repos--they'll stay at the PPA's versions until Ubuntu's versions exceed them. to fully revert the packages, (as far as i know) you'll need to use something like ppa-purge <http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/>.
to cherry-pick the nvidia-graphics package from the PPA, you can grab the appropriate .deb package directly from the PPA's web site by following the "View package details" link above the package list. this is the route i chose to resolve this bug on my systems. this [1] should be the appropriate .deb for 64-bit systems, and this [2] should be the one for 32-bit systems.
i've seen a number of people recommend installing the latest drivers from ppa:philip5/extra, but i'd like to caution wary users (and eager newbie users) against doing so by adding the PPA to their apt sources. doing so may cause a subsequent system-wide upgrade to upgrade more packages than you bargained for. then, if you later remove the PPA from your apt sources, apt will not revert those packages to the corresponding ones from the Ubuntu repos--they'll stay at the PPA's versions until Ubuntu's versions exceed them. to fully revert the packages, (as far as i know) you'll need to use something like ppa-purge <http:// bigbrovar. aoizora. org/index. php/2010/ 01/10/how- to-safely- remove- ppa-repository- from-ubuntu/>.
to cherry-pick the nvidia-graphics package from the PPA, you can grab the appropriate .deb package directly from the PPA's web site by following the "View package details" link above the package list. this is the route i chose to resolve this bug on my systems. this [1] should be the appropriate .deb for 64-bit systems, and this [2] should be the one for 32-bit systems.
[1] https:/ /launchpad. net/~philip5/ +archive/ extra/+ build/2552862/ +files/ nvidia- current_ 275.09. 04-natty% 7Eppa1_ amd64.deb /launchpad. net/~philip5/ +archive/ extra/+ build/2552863/ +files/ nvidia- current_ 275.09. 04-natty% 7Eppa1_ i386.deb
[2] https:/