Comment 56 for bug 760632

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Jonathan Aquilina (eagles051387) wrote : Re: [Bug 760632] Re: Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system

On 21/05/2011 12:48, mr.goose wrote:
> @eagles051387
> I'm sorry but I beg to differ. I think we CAN pin the blame fairly and squarely on nVidia. This is a copy of the latest response I have received from nVidia's "customer care", following yet another a fairly strongly worded email from me with regard to nVidia's total lack of activity in this regard:-
> "Hello,
> I escalated this problem to the Linux Engineering Manager. An Engineer
> has been assigned to work on this at high priority. We are targeting the
> fix for the upcoming 275.xx driver which is currently planned to ship in
> early June 2011."
> Added to which, it is NOT just Konsole that is affected. Granted it is the app most likely to crash the entire system. But resizing gnome-terminal will also crash the system - though I accept you need to try harder in order to do so. Then there is the matter of the weird desktop artefacts. Sure, there are workarounds for the crashing - though I've yet to find a workaround for the artefacts.
> Fact is that nVidia claims to support Linux. Many users, including
> myself, bought nVidia products on the basis of nVidia's advertised
> claim. Remember, nVidia's software products are also closed source,
> which means its users are lumbered with whatever it provides. Added to
> which, nVidia is NOT just a handful of well-meaning open-source type
> guys, working for free in their bedrooms. nVidia is a massive, profit-
> making, NASDAQ 100 corporation, with more than 6000 employees and an
> estimated enterprise value of $9.6 billion. In other words, nVidia has
> PLENTY of resources at its disposal.
> Therefore, the onus is clearly on nVidia to honour its advertised claims
> and fix the problem. It is not for its users to work around it.
> Best wishes, G
Firstly Im glad you contacted them and they escalated this issue, but in
digging through the nvidia site i did find some developer resources that
allows one to develop stuff for their cards such as drivers etc. I agree
though it depends on the application that might trigger this, but in all
honesty i find it funny how only certain apps are triggering a full
system lock up. for me it would be maximizing kvirc.