Also effects me. However it does not happen on any resize. But I observed the following (only for konsole windows):
* maximazing horizontally or vertically using a hotkey sometimes triggers a freeze
* changing the size using 'wmctrl' sometimes triggers a freeze
* the whole desktop flickers on resizing if the freeze does not happen
* if maximize/restore worked a lot of times without the freeze I get screen artefacts with more and more 4x4 pixel blocks colored randomly
* non of these problems appears with '-notransparency'
Also effects me. However it does not happen on any resize. But I observed the following (only for konsole windows):
* maximazing horizontally or vertically using a hotkey sometimes triggers a freeze
* changing the size using 'wmctrl' sometimes triggers a freeze
* the whole desktop flickers on resizing if the freeze does not happen
* if maximize/restore worked a lot of times without the freeze I get screen artefacts with more and more 4x4 pixel blocks colored randomly
* non of these problems appears with '-notransparency'