4. Install new driver
cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-275.09.07.run
# When notified that preinstall script failed, agree to proceed anyway
5. Reboot
This is the most trusted near-term solution, and /should/ be fairly clean. When the repo gets 275.xx.xx, it should overwrite this installation.
(Continue from above)
sudo stop kdm
4. Install new driver Linux-x86_ 64-275. 09.07.run Linux-x86_ 64-275. 09.07.run
cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x NVIDIA-
# When notified that preinstall script failed, agree to proceed anyway
5. Reboot
This is the most trusted near-term solution, and /should/ be fairly clean. When the repo gets 275.xx.xx, it should overwrite this installation.