Another suggestion, which costs money but might turn out to the be only solution, would be to change to a different graphics card that would allow you to use a different driver. If not AMD then an Nvidia generation that can use the latest driver series (version 510), such as GT 1030 or GTX 1650 (which I mention because you can run those particular cards without needing a power supply cable).
Another suggestion, which costs money but might turn out to the be only solution, would be to change to a different graphics card that would allow you to use a different driver. If not AMD then an Nvidia generation that can use the latest driver series (version 510), such as GT 1030 or GTX 1650 (which I mention because you can run those particular cards without needing a power supply cable).
You can check the supported driver series at https:/ /www.nvidia. com/Download/ index.aspx