I had already tried the "EnableBrightnessControl=1" kernel parameter a year ago but I tried it anyway, no effect. However, trying the suggestion of @paulplusx I can happily report that brightness works flawlessly after using "nvidia.NVreg_RegistryDwords=EnableBrightnessControl=1" with the latest 495 driver. nvidia-smi shows GPU is loaded and opengl works on glxgears and CG:GO. If someone can test CUDA that would be great.
Thank you everyone and especially @paulplusx for solving this issue, hopefully this means we can close this bug soon.
I had already tried the "EnableBrightne ssControl= 1" kernel parameter a year ago but I tried it anyway, no effect. However, trying the suggestion of @paulplusx I can happily report that brightness works flawlessly after using "nvidia. NVreg_RegistryD words=EnableBri ghtnessControl= 1" with the latest 495 driver. nvidia-smi shows GPU is loaded and opengl works on glxgears and CG:GO. If someone can test CUDA that would be great.
Thank you everyone and especially @paulplusx for solving this issue, hopefully this means we can close this bug soon.