Nothing changes with any of the boot parameters you asked me to try, separately.
I tried thoses parameters only with the current stable ubuntu kernel (3.11.0-15-generic). I also tried, separately, to set i915.modeset=1 with no more luck.
BTW, I use nvidia binary Xorg driver (nvidia-319-updates).
My only workaround to date is to boot with the old kernel (3.8.0-22.23), put the laptop in sleep mode once, wake it up and then I got backlight control working.
Nothing changes with any of the boot parameters you asked me to try, separately.
I tried thoses parameters only with the current stable ubuntu kernel (3.11.0- 15-generic) . I also tried, separately, to set i915.modeset=1 with no more luck.
The current boot parameters are these one :
quiet i915.lvds_ channel_ mode=2 i915.modeset=0 i915.lvds_use_ssc=0 splash acpi_osi=
BTW, I use nvidia binary Xorg driver (nvidia- 319-updates) .
My only workaround to date is to boot with the old kernel (3.8.0-22.23), put the laptop in sleep mode once, wake it up and then I got backlight control working.