I have just uploaded a version of ntfs-3g in to my PPA linked against its own internal FUSE. Could you please try installing this package and tell me if you still see the high CPU usage?
My PPA (and instructions for installing packages from it) can be found here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa
*** Disclaimer: This package is completely untested by me, so use with caution ***
I have just uploaded a version of ntfs-3g in to my PPA linked against its own internal FUSE. Could you please try installing this package and tell me if you still see the high CPU usage?
My PPA (and instructions for installing packages from it) can be found here: https:/ /edge.launchpad .net/~chrisccou lson/+archive/ ppa
*** Disclaimer: This package is completely untested by me, so use with caution ***