I was able to verify that a merge of 3.66 would on Ubuntu trigger the very same bug that Debian has blocking the dogtag-pki test on powerpc64.
=> https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-impish-ci-train-ppa-service-4577/impish/ppc64el/d/dogtag-pki/20210608_031158_a9d4a@/log.gz
I was able to verify that a merge of 3.66 would on Ubuntu trigger the very same bug that Debian has blocking the dogtag-pki test on powerpc64.
=> https:/ /autopkgtest. ubuntu. com/results/ autopkgtest- impish- ci-train- ppa-service- 4577/impish/ ppc64el/ d/dogtag- pki/20210608_ 031158_ a9d4a@/ log.gz