The NFS mount problem has been around now for quite a while. I think I first reported it (under another number) a couple of years ago. It must be a bug since it should not be possible for a user to provoke an internal error no matter what he or she does. And it's been encountered by quite a number of people -- I assume that the reporters here are only a small minority of those who've bumped into it.
Is there anyone around who has assumed responsibility for this?
The NFS mount problem has been around now for quite a while. I think I first reported it (under another number) a couple of years ago. It must be a bug since it should not be possible for a user to provoke an internal error no matter what he or she does. And it's been encountered by quite a number of people -- I assume that the reporters here are only a small minority of those who've bumped into it.
Is there anyone around who has assumed responsibility for this?