I have worked around the problem by running a script during reboot which sleeps for 30 seconds, then mounts any unmounted nsf file systems.
Add to /etc/rc.local :
nohup /usr/local/bin/nfs_fix >/tmp/nfs_fix.out 2>&1 &
/usr/local/bin/nfs_fix :
# /usr/local/bin/nfs_fix
# Do to timing problem causing some nfs mounts to fail during reboot, # this script is initiated from /etc/rc.local.
do_fix_nfs() { echo Checking $1 if df | grep $1 >/dev/null ; then echo $1 is already mounted else echo Mounting $1 mount $1 fi }
sleep 30 # wait for networking to start
awk '($3=="nfs") {print $2;}' /etc/fstab | grep -v '^#' > /tmp/nfs_fix.fs
while read fs ; do do_fix_nfs $fs done < /tmp/nfs_fix.fs
I have worked around the problem by running a script during reboot which sleeps for 30 seconds, then mounts any unmounted nsf file systems.
Add to /etc/rc.local :
nohup /usr/local/ bin/nfs_ fix >/tmp/nfs_fix.out 2>&1 &
/usr/local/ bin/nfs_ fix :
# /usr/local/ bin/nfs_ fix
# Do to timing problem causing some nfs mounts to fail during reboot,
# this script is initiated from /etc/rc.local.
echo $1 is already mounted
echo Mounting $1
mount $1
echo Checking $1
if df | grep $1 >/dev/null ; then
sleep 30 # wait for networking to start
awk '($3=="nfs") {print $2;}' /etc/fstab |
grep -v '^#' > /tmp/nfs_fix.fs
while read fs ; do
do_fix_nfs $fs
done < /tmp/nfs_fix.fs