* New upstream release (LP: #960494)
- settings: quiet warning when checking for AdHoc WPA connections
- core: suppress useless log message when route already exists (LP: #958519)
- TODO: remove bridging/bonding and InfiniBand
- core: do a better job of applying bond configuration
- libnm-util: improve NMSettingBond:verify()
- libnm-util: fix an NMSettingBond bug
- core: fix NMDeviceBond:dispose() to chain up
- wifi: work around more wl.o stupidity
- ip6: fix setting default route with libnl3 (bgo #668286)
- firewall: set interface zone before IP configuration (rh #805405)
- libnm-glib: ensure bindings-created objects work as expected (rh #802536)
- mobile: ensure IPv4 timeout fails activation
- utils: override VPN plugin's never-default when ignoring auto routes
- wifi: make sure we're connected to netlink before using it
- libnm-glib: add 'registered' property for NMSecretAgent
- keyfile: fix testcases after InfiniBand transport-mode default change
- wifi: disable Ad-Hoc WPA connections (LP: #905748)
- infiniband: fix missing sentinel
- Add a workaround for a problem creating InfiniBand connections
- core: treat missing IPv6 setting as AUTO
- libnm-glib: add errors to nm_device_connection_compatible() and device
- vpn: add a new field so VPN plugins can specify multiple domains
- dnsmasq: allow proxying dnssec data (upstreamed Ubuntu patch)
- gsm: pass the PPP auth preferences for STATIC and DHCP device use
- core: allow IPv4 to fail by default
* debian/control: add Pre-Depends as required for maintscript.
* debian/control: bump debhelper Build-Depends to (>= 8.1.0~).
* debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* debian/copyright: update copyright and migrate to format 1.0; thanks to
Michael Biebl for the work. (LP: #907294)
* debian/patches/nm-change-dnsmasq-parameters.diff: refreshed.
* debian/patches/dnsmasq-dnssec-passthrough.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/nl3-default-ip6-route.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/libnm-glib4.symbols: add new symbols:
+ nm_device_connection_compatible@Base
+ nm_device_*_error_get_type@Base
+ nm_device_*_error_quark@Base
+ nm_secret_agent_get_registered@Base
* debian/network-manager.postrm: cleanup timestamps and seen-bssids files on
* debian/network-manager.{pre,post}inst: clean up and remove old migration
steps; we can reimplement just the ones we need in maintscript.
* debian/network-manager.maintscript:
- fix the migration of /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf to its new
name /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf, so we do
not have leftover files after upgrade.
- reimplement the rename of nm-system-settings.conf to NetworkManager.conf
in this format (Debian has already done so).
* debian/patches/git_doc_fixups_54618a7.patch: fix building documentation to
make sure the documentation pages aren't missing for the new Bond, Vlan and
InfiniBand settings.
* debian/patches/git_format_string_vuln_verify_546c269.patch: fix a small
format string vuln error in verify() for nm-setting-bond.c; as caught by gcc
if building with -Werror=format-security.
* debian/patches/fix-test18.patch: add the "test 18" test data for ifupdown
tests. It was in git but missing from the release tarball.
* debian/patches/whoopsie-daisy-dbus-support.patch: allow whoopsie access to
the necessary DBus interfaces to make a decision about whether the
connection is a billed one.
* debian/debug-helper.py: carry our own copy of the debug helper. That's one
other thing that is not shipped in the release tarball.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Mar 2012 14:04:57 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager -
network-manager ( precise; urgency=low
* New upstream release (LP: #960494) verify( ) dispose( ) to chain up connection_ compatible( ) and device patches/ nm-change- dnsmasq- parameters. diff: refreshed. patches/ dnsmasq- dnssec- passthrough. patch: dropped, applied upstream. patches/ nl3-default- ip6-route. patch: dropped, applied upstream. libnm-glib4. symbols: add new symbols: connection_ compatible@ Base *_error_ get_type@ Base *_error_ quark@Base agent_get_ registered@ Base network- manager. postrm: cleanup timestamps and seen-bssids files on network- manager. {pre,post} inst: clean up and remove old migration network- manager. maintscript: 1/system. d/NetworkManage r.conf to its new 1/system. d/org.freedeskt op.NetworkManag er.conf, so we do settings. conf to NetworkManager.conf patches/ git_doc_ fixups_ 54618a7. patch: fix building documentation to patches/ git_format_ string_ vuln_verify_ 546c269. patch: fix a small format- security. patches/ fix-test18. patch: add the "test 18" test data for ifupdown patches/ whoopsie- daisy-dbus- support. patch: allow whoopsie access to debug-helper. py: carry our own copy of the debug helper. That's one
- settings: quiet warning when checking for AdHoc WPA connections
- core: suppress useless log message when route already exists (LP: #958519)
- TODO: remove bridging/bonding and InfiniBand
- core: do a better job of applying bond configuration
- libnm-util: improve NMSettingBond:
- libnm-util: fix an NMSettingBond bug
- core: fix NMDeviceBond:
- wifi: work around more wl.o stupidity
- ip6: fix setting default route with libnl3 (bgo #668286)
- firewall: set interface zone before IP configuration (rh #805405)
- libnm-glib: ensure bindings-created objects work as expected (rh #802536)
- mobile: ensure IPv4 timeout fails activation
- utils: override VPN plugin's never-default when ignoring auto routes
- wifi: make sure we're connected to netlink before using it
- libnm-glib: add 'registered' property for NMSecretAgent
- keyfile: fix testcases after InfiniBand transport-mode default change
- wifi: disable Ad-Hoc WPA connections (LP: #905748)
- infiniband: fix missing sentinel
- Add a workaround for a problem creating InfiniBand connections
- core: treat missing IPv6 setting as AUTO
- libnm-glib: add errors to nm_device_
- vpn: add a new field so VPN plugins can specify multiple domains
- dnsmasq: allow proxying dnssec data (upstreamed Ubuntu patch)
- gsm: pass the PPP auth preferences for STATIC and DHCP device use
- core: allow IPv4 to fail by default
* debian/control: add Pre-Depends as required for maintscript.
* debian/control: bump debhelper Build-Depends to (>= 8.1.0~).
* debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* debian/copyright: update copyright and migrate to format 1.0; thanks to
Michael Biebl for the work. (LP: #907294)
* debian/
* debian/
* debian/
* debian/
+ nm_device_
+ nm_device_
+ nm_device_
+ nm_secret_
* debian/
* debian/
steps; we can reimplement just the ones we need in maintscript.
* debian/
- fix the migration of /etc/dbus-
name /etc/dbus-
not have leftover files after upgrade.
- reimplement the rename of nm-system-
in this format (Debian has already done so).
* debian/
make sure the documentation pages aren't missing for the new Bond, Vlan and
InfiniBand settings.
* debian/
format string vuln error in verify() for nm-setting-bond.c; as caught by gcc
if building with -Werror=
* debian/
tests. It was in git but missing from the release tarball.
* debian/
the necessary DBus interfaces to make a decision about whether the
connection is a billed one.
* debian/
other thing that is not shipped in the release tarball.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Mar 2012 14:04:57 -0400