[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* debian/network-manager.upstart: Make NM aware of the locale. (LP: #875017)
[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
* debian/patches/lp936712_dnsmasq_ip6_ns_ordering.patch: order IPv6
nameservers before IPv4 ones in dnsmasq config: dnsmasq is able to properly
deal with broken IPv6 nameservers (or routers). (LP: #936712)
* debian/control: add Conflicts: connman to network-manager. (LP: #659460)
* debian/patches/manage-privacy-extensions.patch: set the default for using
IPv6 Privacy extensions to TRUE; this is just correcting an oversight from
adapting the upstream patch. (LP: #176125)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:40:35 -0500
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - git201202161854 .8572ecf- 0ubuntu4
--------------- 0+git2012021618 54.8572ecf- 0ubuntu4) precise; urgency=low
network-manager (0.9.2.
[ Gabor Kelemen ] network- manager. upstart: Make NM aware of the locale. (LP: #875017)
* debian/
[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ] patches/ lp936712_ dnsmasq_ ip6_ns_ ordering. patch: order IPv6 patches/ manage- privacy- extensions. patch: set the default for using
* debian/
nameservers before IPv4 ones in dnsmasq config: dnsmasq is able to properly
deal with broken IPv6 nameservers (or routers). (LP: #936712)
* debian/control: add Conflicts: connman to network-manager. (LP: #659460)
* debian/
IPv6 Privacy extensions to TRUE; this is just correcting an oversight from
adapting the upstream patch. (LP: #176125)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:40:35 -0500