I have tested this on Jaunty and as far as I can see user setting the MTU within NM do get applied to the network interface. Even after disable and enable networking. NM version is 0.7~~svn20081018t105859`-0ubuntu1.
lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu Jaunty (development branch)
Release: 9.04
What did I do:
1. Look at the MTU via "ifconfig eth0" which was 1500
2. Went to Network Connections->eth0->Edit and Customize MTU to 500
3. OK and Close
4. Disable Networking and then Enable Networking
5. Check if the MTU is still there within Network Connections->eth0->Edit
6. Check MTU with "ifconfig eth0"
I have tested this on Jaunty and as far as I can see user setting the MTU within NM do get applied to the network interface. Even after disable and enable networking. NM version is 0.7~~svn2008101 8t105859` -0ubuntu1.
lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu Jaunty (development branch)
Release: 9.04
apt-cache policy network-manager 8t105859- 0ubuntu1 8t105859- 0ubuntu1 8t105859- 0ubuntu1 0 nl.archive. ubuntu. com jaunty/main Packages dpkg/status
Installed: 0.7~~svn2008101
Candidate: 0.7~~svn2008101
Version table:
*** 0.7~~svn2008101
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
What did I do: >eth0-> Edit and Customize MTU to 500 >eth0-> Edit
1. Look at the MTU via "ifconfig eth0" which was 1500
2. Went to Network Connections-
3. OK and Close
4. Disable Networking and then Enable Networking
5. Check if the MTU is still there within Network Connections-
6. Check MTU with "ifconfig eth0"