[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
* d/p/0001-wwan-add-support-for-using-oFono-as-a-modem-manager.patch:
Pre-initialize reason for ofono state changes to NULL; this avoids getting
to nm_device_set_state with an invalid reason string. (LP: #1499906)
* d/p/0001-wwan-add-support-for-using-oFono-as-a-modem-manager.patch:
cleanup ip_string_to_network_address() to work as its NMModemBroadband
version, and start setting NM_MODEM_IP4_METHOD to _STATIC so IP, prefix,
gateway and DNS get properly applied on an oFono modem as it comes up.
* debian/NetworkManager.conf: re-enable the ofono plugin (fixes a regression).
* debian/patches/add_ofono_settings_support.patch: don't link against
libnm-glib as this would cause type duplication and crashes. (LP: #1499904)
* debian/patches/lp1496434_warn_on_invalid_new_link.patch: don't outright
crash by dereferencing a NULL pointer if a device can't get created by its
NMDeviceFactory; we should warn though, as we want to know about these
failures; but no need to make all of NM sad. (LP: #1496434)
[ Tony Espy ]
* d/p/0002-wifi-cull-the-scan-list-before-signalling-ScanDone-b.patch:
Fix duplicate 'LastSeen' PropertiesChanged signals being generated
after every scan. The 'Last-Seen' property is now only updated when
a scan finishes, and schedule_scanlist_cull is no longer triggered
new_bss_cb or updated_bss_cb. (LP: #1480877)
* d/p/add_ofono_settings_support.patch: Fix memory leaks in plugin.
* d/p/add_ofono_settings_support.patch: Remove unused plugin DBus code.
* d/p/CVE-2015-1322.patch: Drop CVE which applied to removed DBus code
in ofono settings plugin.
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - 1.0.4-0ubuntu4
network-manager (1.0.4-0ubuntu4) wily; urgency=medium
[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ] wwan-add- support- for-using- oFono-as- a-modem- manager. patch: wwan-add- support- for-using- oFono-as- a-modem- manager. patch: to_network_ address( ) to work as its NMModemBroadband NetworkManager. conf: re-enable the ofono plugin (fixes a regression). patches/ add_ofono_ settings_ support. patch: don't link against patches/ lp1496434_ warn_on_ invalid_ new_link. patch: don't outright tory; we should warn though, as we want to know about these
* d/p/0001-
Pre-initialize reason for ofono state changes to NULL; this avoids getting
to nm_device_set_state with an invalid reason string. (LP: #1499906)
* d/p/0001-
cleanup ip_string_
version, and start setting NM_MODEM_IP4_METHOD to _STATIC so IP, prefix,
gateway and DNS get properly applied on an oFono modem as it comes up.
* debian/
* debian/
libnm-glib as this would cause type duplication and crashes. (LP: #1499904)
* debian/
crash by dereferencing a NULL pointer if a device can't get created by its
failures; but no need to make all of NM sad. (LP: #1496434)
[ Tony Espy ] wifi-cull- the-scan- list-before- signalling- ScanDone- b.patch: scanlist_ cull is no longer triggered ofono_settings_ support. patch: Fix memory leaks in plugin. ofono_settings_ support. patch: Remove unused plugin DBus code. 2015-1322. patch: Drop CVE which applied to removed DBus code
* d/p/0002-
Fix duplicate 'LastSeen' PropertiesChanged signals being generated
after every scan. The 'Last-Seen' property is now only updated when
a scan finishes, and schedule_
new_bss_cb or updated_bss_cb. (LP: #1480877)
* d/p/add_
* d/p/add_
* d/p/CVE-
in ofono settings plugin.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Sat, 26 Sep 2015 00:02:02 -0400