Summary: more trouble, nm-applet menu starts to fill with irrelevant vboxnet0 entries.
Now nm-applet shows 5 "vboxnet0" ethernet connections, though I've not created any of them. 4 of them show ipv4 parameters "disabled", ipv6 parameters "ignore". Only the currently auto-activated one shows ipv4 "manual" with correct IP address.
Suspending then resuming the Ubuntu machine still breaks the vboxnet0 connection to the VM.
Asking virtualbox to suspend the guest VM then resuming it still reconfigures the connection which then works. And that causes *another extra* "vboxnet0" entry in nm-applet list of connections. I can suppress it manually but they should not be there in the first place.
Note: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ now contains entries for the real connections I've created, but none of these "vboxnet0" connections.
Summary: more trouble, nm-applet menu starts to fill with irrelevant vboxnet0 entries.
Now nm-applet shows 5 "vboxnet0" ethernet connections, though I've not created any of them. 4 of them show ipv4 parameters "disabled", ipv6 parameters "ignore". Only the currently auto-activated one shows ipv4 "manual" with correct IP address.
Suspending then resuming the Ubuntu machine still breaks the vboxnet0 connection to the VM.
Asking virtualbox to suspend the guest VM then resuming it still reconfigures the connection which then works. And that causes *another extra* "vboxnet0" entry in nm-applet list of connections. I can suppress it manually but they should not be there in the first place.
Note: /etc/NetworkMan ager/system- connections/ now contains entries for the real connections I've created, but none of these "vboxnet0" connections.
Thank you for your attention.