* debian/patches/git_set_vpn_mtu_9736327b.patch: set the MTU for the VPN
interface. (LP: #1498474)
* debian/patches/lp1446689_git_use_kernel_pppoe_6fdfb031.patch: use the
kernel-provided pppoe interfaces rather than requiring the use of rp-pppoe
to use PPPoE; we switched to rp-pppoe some time ago to workaround a bug in
detecting disconnects which has seen been fixed and could be worked around
fairly simply with the right configuration. (LP: #1446689)
* debian/rules: don't pass --with-pppoe to configure; the option is removed
by the above patch.
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - 1.0.4-0ubuntu5
network-manager (1.0.4-0ubuntu5) wily; urgency=medium
* debian/ patches/ git_set_ vpn_mtu_ 9736327b. patch: set the MTU for the VPN patches/ lp1446689_ git_use_ kernel_ pppoe_6fdfb031. patch: use the
interface. (LP: #1498474)
* debian/
kernel-provided pppoe interfaces rather than requiring the use of rp-pppoe
to use PPPoE; we switched to rp-pppoe some time ago to workaround a bug in
detecting disconnects which has seen been fixed and could be worked around
fairly simply with the right configuration. (LP: #1446689)
* debian/rules: don't pass --with-pppoe to configure; the option is removed
by the above patch.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:33:53 -0400