Can confirm that #7 works on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit which is also affected by this bug.
However, obviously this is pretty weak, since in many cases, the PEAP password is your AD/LDAP credential, so when you store it in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections file that represents your SSID, you're giving your password to anyone with root access on the laptop.
Full disk encryption helps with general security outwith the home folder here, but it doesn't stop anyone with root displaying that file and learning your password.
I'd also note that I need to have connected to my SSID before entering my lightDM password because otherwise pam_mount will fail to map any of my drives (and will fail silently thereafter too) if I don't.
Can confirm that #7 works on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit which is also affected by this bug.
However, obviously this is pretty weak, since in many cases, the PEAP password is your AD/LDAP credential, so when you store it in the /etc/NetworkMan ager/system- connections file that represents your SSID, you're giving your password to anyone with root access on the laptop.
Full disk encryption helps with general security outwith the home folder here, but it doesn't stop anyone with root displaying that file and learning your password.
I'd also note that I need to have connected to my SSID before entering my lightDM password because otherwise pam_mount will fail to map any of my drives (and will fail silently thereafter too) if I don't.