Comment 59 for bug 1003842

Revision history for this message
Simon Kelley (simon-thekelleys) wrote : Re: [Bug 1003842] Re: dnsmasq sometimes fails to resolve private names in networks with non-equivalent nameservers

On 06/02/13 09:18, Thomas Hood wrote:
> [...cont'd after "in order to fix"...] bug #1072899, dnsmasq will
> have to be enhanced such that proposition #1 is true. But we can
> discuss the details of that in bug #1072899.
> <parenthesis> There is a close analogy between the problem here (bug
> #1003842) and a problem we have with avahi. Avahi resolves names in
> the domain ".local". Networks should not use this TLD, but many do
> and at least in the past Microsoft actually recommended doing so.
> When users connect to such networks with avahi enabled the result is
> malfunction. Upstream purisitically says[*] "If you come across a
> network where .local is a unicast DNS domain, please contact the
> local administrator and ask him to move his DNS zone to a different
> domain. If this is not possible, we recommend not to use Avahi in
> such a network at all." In practice avahi attempts to detect "bad"
> networks and disables itself if it thinks it is on a bad network,
> subject unfortunately both to false positives (bug #327362) and false
> negatives (bug #80900).
> We aren't yet doing even that well. We say that networks ought to
> have equivalent nameservers and we make no attempt to detect networks
> that have non-equivalent nameservers, of which there are very many.
> [*] </parenthesis>

Detect non-equivalent servers is hard. I'm very much in favour of doing
it, if a way can be found.
