As we double checked the netplan configure yaml file and the generated 10-netplan-enc1000.1300 configure file is all correct, and the vlan interface lost occurred after the reboot operation, and we can add the vlan interface by 'ip link add' command, is that possible the lost happened during the IPL process, kernel can not generate the vlan interface by correct config file during boot process.
Hi, enc1000. 1300 configure file is all correct, and the vlan interface lost occurred after the reboot operation, and we can add the vlan interface by 'ip link add' command, is that possible the lost happened during the IPL process, kernel can not generate the vlan interface by correct config file during boot process.
As we double checked the netplan configure yaml file and the generated 10-netplan-
ubuntu@ a257ubut02: ~$ uname -r