Still not working. Presumably the Makefile looks different when created on the buildds, so that the
sed -i 's/cat $$@-t >>$$@;/\0 \\\necho XXXXX;pwd;ls -ld test-debian.log; cat test-debian.log;echo XXXXX; /' tests/Makefile
done in override_dh_auto_config, which works in my sbuilds, does not cache anything there.
Still not working. Presumably the Makefile looks different when created on the buildds, so that the
sed -i 's/cat $$@-t >>$$@;/\0 \\\necho XXXXX;pwd;ls -ld test-debian.log; cat test-debian. log;echo XXXXX; /' tests/Makefile
done in override_ dh_auto_ config, which works in my sbuilds, does not cache anything there.