A corretion to data sizes above, the should be the otherway around.
var_val_len is reported as 8 sizeof(int) is 4 in a 64-bit system
And 8 != 4, which means SNMP_ERR_WRONGLENGTH will be returned.
In the case sizeof(int) should be replaced with 4 and the if statement should look like: if (var_val_len != 8) {
or possibly
if (var_val_len != sizeof(long)) {
This has been reported earlier for net-snmp: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2972579&group_id=12694&atid=112694
A corretion to data sizes above, the should be the otherway around.
var_val_len is reported as 8
sizeof(int) is 4 in a 64-bit system
And 8 != 4, which means SNMP_ERR_ WRONGLENGTH will be returned.
In the case sizeof(int) should be replaced with 4 and the if statement should look like:
if (var_val_len != 8) {
or possibly
if (var_val_len != sizeof(long)) {
This has been reported earlier for net-snmp: sourceforge. net/tracker/ index.php? func=detail& aid=2972579& group_id= 12694&atid= 112694